About Us
We want to support your health
- TOP >
- About Us
- Message
- We commit to give positive impact to people's healthy, rich and happy life through our products. And we contribute to our society and future through our business.
- Philosophy
- As a mission statement, we sincerely support people with love. We promise that we do our best to make people happier and healthy through our products.
- Course of Action
- We work for people with honesty, sincerity, kindness and fairness
We pride ourselves on that we have never had customer complaints
Since we started business in 1972, we’ve never had complaints from customer. We've never forgotten our responsibility and that is why we have never had complaints before. We treat customers with absolute respect and we believe that customers are a part of our family. We love to talk with customers for counseling. If customer wants us to visit, we don't hesitate to visit even they live in far from our company.
We provide pure Royal Jelly directly from beehive
As a responsibility of our business, we must keep customers healthy. The most important thing is quality of products. Just for provide fresh Royal Jelly with no additive, we brought method to perfection.
To enhance body’s internal environment :
We have researched about how we can adsorb nourishment efficiently from Royal Jelly. As a result of our research, the combination of Raffinose oligosaccharides and fresh Royal Jelly will make people’s health better multiply. We are sure that this chemistry makes you feel better after taking.
※Results may vary.
“If I take Royal Jelly, Can I be healthy for sure?” Our answer is “No”.
Our customer often ask this question, but unfortunately only taking Royal Jelly is not the best way to get healthy. If you have a problem in your lifestyle, you should improve it first. If you feel anxiety about it, you can contact us for counseling before you start taking Royal Jelly. We can advise you about what you have and our products.
Company Information
- Company Name
- Esprit Inc.
- Company Address
- 4-44-3 Obiyama, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture 862-0924, Japan
- Phone Number, FAX
Phone Number:096-382-3666(main)
- The Name of Its Representative
Yoshitomo Sato, Representative Director and President
Capital ¥50,000,000
A member organization Fair Trade Council of Japanese Royal Jelly
Asian Apicultural Association

- 1972
- Established.
- 1998
- MarchEsprit Inc. is founded and pronounce the value of decenoic acid.
- 2001
- FebruaryThe 1st Forum on People's Health is held with Okuda Hiromichi (Medical doctor), medical professor at Ehime university medical school.
- 2003
AugustThe 2nd Forum on People's Health is held in Oita.
NovemberThe 3rd Forum on People's Health is held in Kagoshima.
- 2004
- AugustThe 4th Forum on People's Health is held in Sapporo.
- 2006
- JulyThe 5th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Toru Abo (Medical doctor), medical professor at Niigata university medical school and Okuda Hiromichi (Medical doctor), medical professor emeritus at Niigata university medical school.
- 2007
MarchSales of Esprinal NAG start.
SeptemberThe course "Esprit-Juku" is opened to the general public.
- 2008
- FebruaryThe 6th Forum on People's Health is held in Fukushima with Mitsuo Matsuka (Doctor of science), medical professor at Tamagawa university agriculture department.
- 2009
- JulyThe 7th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor and president of Fair Trade Council of Japanese Royal Jelly), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society. SeptemberThe 8th Forum on People's Health is held in Okinawa and Ishigaki with Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor and president of Fair Trade Council of Japanese Royal Jelly), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society and Mitsuo Matsuka (Doctor of science), former medical professor at Tamagawa university agriculture department.
- 2010
- NovemberThe 9th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor and president of Fair Trade Council of Japanese Royal Jelly), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society and Mitsuo Matsuka (Doctor of science), former medical professor at Tamagawa university agriculture department.
- 2011
JuneSales of Smile Royal Jelly and Esprit Honey (fully ripened pure Honey by used Longan flower) start.
JulySales of Smile Green (Kyushu's green colored juice) start.
SeptemberSales of Smile Green (Kyushu's green colored juice) start.
NovemberThe 10th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Medical doctor), medical professor at Juntendo university medical school and at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society and Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society.
- 2015
MarchThe 11th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society and Yoshie Satake, Tecoma Ipe research assistant.
AprilThe 12th Forum on People's Health is held in Kumamoto with Wasaku Koyama (Medical doctor), Director Emeritus at Kumamoto health care center of Japanese red cross society and Yoshie Satake, Tecoma Ipe research assistant.
- 2017
SeptemberEsprit Inc. is certified as hands-on support company by JETRO.
OctoberEsprit no Tsudoi (Esprit Meeting) is held.
- 2018
DecemberEsprit Inc. is certified as sub-leading company in Kumamoto city.
MarchEsprit Inc. exhibits JETRO health longevity Public relations Exhibition in Jakarta.